giovedì 26 maggio 2011

Life is precious

"Life is too precious to make anything less than the best out of it"

 I'm pretty sure you have just heard the story of the video. But it's the first time I see the video and I really love this story cause it gives me two important messages. 

The first one is to take care and appreciate everything you have cause there is always a reason to think positive also if you don't see it and somethimes simple think just as see the season changing are great miracle for some others.
The second one is the power of right words. You can say good things but if you are not able to put it in a good way you wouldn't obtain nothing, otherwise you can say thing that are difficult to face and that could hurt someone but if you say it in a good way, taking care to not hurt but only be onest...well it makes the difference.

I'm not sure to be completly able to do this two musts. Somethimes I forget how lucky I am and let the present become past without giving the moment the true value it has. I just wanna improve to love every single minute...cause time it's the best gift we have and we mustn't let it flow away.
About what I say...well I have had a lots of courses about communication and I'm aware of all the principle. I try my best to use right words but I'm not sure it always work...somethimes perhaps the menaning of thing it's only to difficult to pronounce....and sometimes you just want to make everything fast and to run away and seek for shelter where your words could be cure with a positive thinking.

Right now I feel I need my shelter to stay on my own and face me and my creativity to find a way to front the world in a good's right you have to find yourself before to find or help someone else.

Best to all the travellers...

PS: today I will see the correction on my past posts (my english teacher help me) so I will rewrite the wrong sentences :)

martedì 10 maggio 2011


"Spalanchi le finestre o scendi tu
tra la folla: vedrai che basta poco
a rallegrarti: un animale, un gioco
o, vestito di blu,

un garzone con una carriola,

che a gran voce si tien la strada aperta,
e se appena in discesa trova un'erta
non corre più, ma vola." (Saba)

A volte la vita è imprevedibile, ti dona momenti di gioia improvvisi e attimi di serenità e di colpo è come se tutto si riequilibrasse da se, in un battito di ciglia.
Decidi di spalancare le finestre e scendere tra la folla e scopri che in questo modo ti è data la possibilità di cambiare percorso, che così hai scelto un'altra via...un nuovo viaggio.
Il passato è una brutta bestia che a volte ti tiene ancorato e, quando percepisce che te ne stai andando, lancia le sue ultime zampate per vedere se in qualche modo può trattenerti, se può ancora prenderti e farti suo....magari per qualche attimo ci riesce, ma poi diventa così forte la voglia di andare e c'è quel nuovo da conoscere che ti tenta e al contempo ti spaventa...
Sensazioni nuove, che colpiscono come un'improvvisa stoccata...
delicate presenze che si inseriscono naturalmente nel corso della vita e si impongono con una tale leggerezza che sembrano esserci sempre state...
è difficile, anche lasciarsi andare alle sensazioni positive...è difficile...le ferite a volte sembrano non volersi rimarginare, siamo legati ai nostri limiti che non capiamo oppure capiamo ma non riusciamo a lasciare andare del tutto...è come lanciarsi in mare aperto e sentire un'alga legata alla caviglia...
voglio divincolarmi...voglio prendere quelle onde là davanti...non so cosa mi aspetta, non so cosa sarà ma voglio prendere il largo e lasciarmi trascinare da questa nuova corrente...
magari con le alghe sarebbe meglio fare un bel sushi e via...staccarle, cucinarle, ingoiarle, digerirle, espellerle  e via verso quel bagliore sulle creste...

giovedì 5 maggio 2011

What is truth?


"Truth is an insightful journey into the heart and soul of the subject" (Fabrizio Ferri)

I'm looking at the web-site of this amazing and famous photographer...Every time I find really interesting to read the bio/about-me cause I always find some new sentence that could inspire me.
The Ferri bio starts with the words above and than he explain that in his photos he try to put the heart of the subject but with a style that rapresent the artist. It's more or less a month that I had have the chance to be photographed by Sara Lando and happens a thing that has happend also the last sunday when I went out with a friend of mine photographer...both of them told me something that "wake me up" . After some time talking they both told me something about my posing and the sentiment connected with this act...and then, smiling, they both told me "I'm a photographer while I'm talking with you I'm looking at your image, best side, skin, posture..."
I think I have to improve about this analyzing thing...
The photographer has to be a good observer and in the 5 minute before the shooting where he try to let you feel comfortamble he is also looking at all the aspect of the photo trying to improve the result, costumizing the situation on you but putting his own mood, style.
I don't know if it could be define as "the truth" but I think that it's a great and professional way to work with other people and it lets you learn something new and nice every time...
I have to try and improve my skills...

And I wanna use this ability also in "normal life"...cause it's always amazing a "journey into the heart and soul" of's a challange that always  leave you with something more...

martedì 3 maggio 2011

you made my day

I'm so, so PROUD....

I know I have wrote the same thing on my flickr but this amazing photos completly made my day...
so one again...

model: ME

These photos are taken by a student of mine.
In october 2010 I met Claudia and she asked to me to teach her the basic of photography...we start from iso, aperture, time etc...and then go on with all the other things...The last time we met we went outside to learn having photos with both ambient light and ambient+flash...and she used me as model...
This set is the result of that day...

I put it on MY FLICKR cause she don't have one...she think she is not so able to create her own...I wanna that everyone could see her amazing's time for her to open her own flickr and join the photographer community :D

Come on Claudia, you are ready and I'm so proud of you and happy for the amazing photos you give to me :D